The average age of farmers is approaching 60 years so young people interested in farming are worth their weight in gold!
There are strong economic realities driving prosperous rural futures. The world’s growing population needs to be fed and clothed which means a great future for young people in agriculture. The world needs more and better educated farmers, not less.
Careers include everything from hands-on farming to high-end research and many options in between, and there are also great opportunities in the many professions, trades and vocations needed in every community.
Defying the Drift is a 2 stage Program
Stage 1: Defying the Drift starts with a challenging residential program at leading tertiary agricultural institute, Longerenong College, where participants learn new skills, discover many rural futures, visit a range of rural enterprises, meet some great young agriculture role models and have a great time.
Stage 2 is when participants bring it all together and make a presentation to their sponsor Rotary Club. Presentations are expected to cover what participants have learnt through the Defying the Drift program and their personal reflections on possible rural futures.
Who’s it for?
Years 10 & 11 students (approx. 15 -17 yrs) interested in rural career options.
Download an Application Pack
Where and when?
Stage 1 Residential Course
Longerenong College, Longerenong, near Horsham, Monday September.
Stage 2 Presentation to a Rotary Club
October to November
How much?
A fee of $350 per participant is payable, reduced to $250 if paid by July 31st. Sponsor Rotary Clubs assist by contributing part or all of the fee. Further details and payment options are listed in the Application Pack.